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ORTH ISLAND adventures
The Strider
Strider is a 25' aluminum vessel built by Seawolf Marine Mfg for both comfort and safety. The cabin is a comfortable place to relax and have lunch, and a place for small children to sleep in or nap. The cabin can be heated on cold mornings, and includes an enclosed head (toilet) for your comfort and convenience. Strider is a great platform for both fishing and sight-seeing. Passengers can view and photograph wildlife from the aft deck, bow, and roof of the boat.

Transport Canada safety approved vessel
Rugged aluminum construction
Heated cabin with dinette seating
Enclosed head (toilet)
V-berth sleeping area
Refrigerator and galley
Spacious fishing deck, bow, and roof for viewing wildlife
Audio system for music, and hydrophone for listening to orcas and other marine mammals

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